Wednesday, 9 October 2013

I wonder what is more difficult: creating a blog or posting my first message on the same blog...Finally, I realize I have to let go and express myself as sincerely as I can.I get along quite well with technology. I mean I can work my way fair enough with a computer but I am not an expert at it though. I had some difficulty in creating my first blog but I got some help. My 13-year old daughter helped  me a little and she went through the job in less than 10 minutes. It would have taken me longer, I admit. 
Our young people are of the computer generation. Technology is part of their life. As teachers, we meet these people every day so I feel that we have to adapt to new situations, to the new challenges of the 21st century. I sincerely feel that this blog can help me in creating a better student-centered environment, a more lively and interactive class. With the appropriate support from our respective institutions, the teaching profession will flourish and adapt sure enough to this new age.

 I am reminded here of a short story by E.M.Forster 'The Machine Stops'. In this story, Mr.Forster depicts a world enslaved by technology,where all our moves, all our thoughts, our air, our food are controlled by The Machine. Fortunately, our world will not turn out to be like this. As teachers, if we know how to adapt, how to include technology and the web in our profession, we will not be overruled by machines. The computer should become our companion, a close friend, a mean to bridge the gap and to bring us closer to our pupils. And I do really think that a blog is a good start...


  1. Hello Jen,
    It is fun to learn and it is more fun to learn through the web. Your story tells the truth, but I think we are to get ahead so as to be the masters not slaves of technology. So we must adhere.

  2. Hi, Jennifer. I'm Diana. I like it when you say that we shouldn't be controlled by machines (guilty as charged, I'm sleep deprived due to the Internet and loads of computer work). All the best in the programme! :)

  3. Hello Jennifer,

    I'm Paramita, and I love the way you have used the story of E.M. Foster. Machines cannot and must not replace the human brain. If you find time, please do read the story "Fun They Had" by Issac Assimov....where 2 children of the year 2155, are taught by machines (mechanical teacher). They find a 'real' book and learn of schools where children studied, played and learnt together. These two kids realize what they miss in their lives, and what fun it must have been in the past.

    We need to learn to use the best of technology and blend it with tradition....that's what I believe in.

    1. Thanks Paramita. I will definitely read Mr. Assimov's story.
